Saturday, November 14, 2009

Wall Drills 7. The Self-Pass

Coach Michelle French continues our series on wall drills by demonstrating the self-pass.  This drill helps you create space to turn in when you receive the ball and there is a defender right on your back.  Check it out - her little ol' feet move pretty quick....

For those of you receiving our blog posts via email, you can view the video at

More On Playing the Game

Wall Drills 6.  Inside Outside Touches
Wall Drills 5.  Trapping
Wall Drills.  4.  Juggling
Wall Drills.  3.  The Ol' Two Wall Wall Drill
Wall Drills.  2.  As the Player Turns...
Wall Drills - First In the Series
Introduction to Practice at the Wall
That's Soccer Talk
Shoelace Magic
Practice Makes Progress
Soccer Formations

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